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 Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^

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Favorite Weapon : Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Scout
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Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Empty
PostSubject: Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^   Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Icon_minitimeTue Jun 04, 2013 7:47 pm

lets list 100 things not to say when getting pulled over by the cops ^_^

i'll start

1. does this ID look real.
2. will you hold my beer?
3. i swear to drunk i'm not god
4. you must be my client, heres your crack
5. please don't search my trunk, officer

Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ PinkFloydSig1

Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Polls_pot_leaf_big_3239_227677_answer_2_small Shine on you crazy diamond <3 Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Polls_pot_leaf_big_3239_227677_answer_2_small
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Favorite Weapon : Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Famas
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Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^   Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Icon_minitimeTue Jun 04, 2013 7:52 pm

6-Nobody's in the trunk
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Favorite Weapon : Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ M4a1
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Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^   Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Icon_minitimeWed Jun 05, 2013 4:10 am

7-. I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer.
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Favorite Weapon : Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Knife
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Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^   Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Icon_minitimeThu Jun 06, 2013 5:38 pm

8. hold on a second I droped my joint on the seat.
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Favorite Weapon : Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Scout
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Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^   Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Icon_minitimeWed Jun 26, 2013 11:46 pm

9.Ohh Fuck My Joint Lit up the car!
10.Call The Firefighters
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Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^   Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^ Icon_minitime

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Let's get a bit of humor going on in the forums ^_^
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