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 jailbreak rules

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Favorite Weapon : jailbreak rules  M4a1
Posts : 76
Join date : 2013-05-22
Age : 29

jailbreak rules  Empty
PostSubject: jailbreak rules    jailbreak rules  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 11, 2013 3:01 am

You've seen admin abuse? You think you got freekilled and nobody is
doing anything? TELL US! www.LGclanz.com!
Do not hesitate to complain.

Failure to follow these rules will result in kick/ban/gag/mute.
1) Respect all players & No Racism.
2) No Server Advertisment.
3) No Mic/Radio/Chat Spamming.
4) No Hacking.
5) No Disguisting or Offensive Sprays.
6) No Impersonating admins or owners.
7) No Insulting/Threatening the server.
No armory camping.
9) No Bitching
10) No purposly lagging the server.
11) Enjoy your say!

Jailbreak Rules.

1) Do not constantly complain about freekilling.If you got freekilled, please advice an admin about the situation.
2) Do not spam cells (no freeday).If a player spam cells more than 3 times, ctban him for 30minutes.
3) Armory is auto rebel!
4) First day is always freeday.
5) Do NOT disrespect our admins, you will be banned.
6) CTs may not harm/kill Ts without reason. (Warning shots only with your secondary)
7) No Ghosting. (Revealing ANY information about a live player while dead)
CTs must not give text orders. CTs must have mics or will be teambanned or swapped.
9) If Jail Cells auto open, it is automatic unrestricted FREEDAY regardless if orders were given.
10) If Cells are opened before orders are given, it is FREEDAY.
- Please DO NOT be warden if your voice is irritating to others, or your mic isn't working properly.
- If a T opens cells, orders are still intact so long as they were given before cells opened.
11) If teams are equal (ratio freeday) or there are more CTs than Ts (teamstack freeday) it is an unrestricted FREEDAY.
12) If the CT that gave orders dies, someone else can be warden. Must be 10 seconds after the warden dies, if not it is a freeday.
13) CT must repeat orders if you kill someone without repeating, u will be slayed. Max:3 Repeats per order.
14) Unless told otherwise, Ts can go anywhere on a panda/zombie freeday.Armory=rebelling
15) Once Jail Cells open on a freeday, CTs may not give any restrictions or orders to Ts.
- If there are 2-3 non rebelling Ts left alive, CTs may give them orders.
16) CTs must warn for secondary Weapons, if they have a primary (holstered or not) you may shoot on site.
- If a T doesn't drop their gun 5 seconds after a warn, you may kill them.
- If a T is pointing/firing a Secondary at you or another CT, you may kill them.
17) CTs may not give a T a gun (Gunplanting). Ts may kill CTs that gunplant them. You can give a Pewpew (pistol ONLY without ANY bullet).If you give a secondary with bullets you will be banned!
18) CTs may not camp in Armory or Vents.
19) Last CT may kill any T with any gun, holstered or not.
20) Cells cannot be closed for ANY reason.
21) Ts may kill any CT that comes within the area they are supposed to go to.
22) Ts can ALWAYS jump/crouch/move unless restricted not to.
23) No consecutive Wardays. (back to back wardays)
24) No farming credits
25) No sticking people with knives!
- There IS a Last Request on a Warday. If you Last Request and rebel you will be slayed/banned.
26) Orders must be given before 7:00 or its a freeday
27) No detours or delay is implied
Admin Rules.

1) Do not give non admin players admin abilities (god mode, speed, noclip,etc..)
2) Do not give yourself advantages such as godmode, speed, noclip, etc... over the regular players.
3) Do not change the map, you must do a vote before changing or wait for the designated time to end.
4) Do not spam things like sounds, commands, etc...
5) You must follow ALL Rules.
6) Admins can get downgraded or stripped if caught abusing their powers.
7) Do not spawn yourself weapons or anything during the rounds.
Never use your powers on another admin.
9) Do not abuse,use your admin ONLY for good purpose.

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